Stand Against Hatred

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Report a hate incident

My son was scratched by his teacher

My son was scratched by his teacher in the classroom (confirmed later). He suffered five scratches on his hands and face, with blood flowing. No medical treatment for my son’s wound, no teacher informed me, and no accident report was made. Afterward, I reached out to the childcare center, but they responded by shirking responsibility, ignoring my concerns, and deliberately delaying the process.

"Keep walking, Ling Ling!"

Was almost ran over by a guy who was not paying attention (I’ll give the benefit of the doubt that it was that and not purposely trying to hit me). When I called him out, he opened his window, not to apologize, but had the gall to say, “Keep walking, Ling Ling!” and then sped off saying, “Ling Ling Ling Ling.”

They have been vandalizing and trespassing

I'm writing to you on behalf of my wife, who is Korean. For almost 10 years, our neighbors have been vandalizing and trespassing on our land, as well as harassing her. This all seems to be because she is Asian. We've tried to get help through government and legal means but have not had much success. We are just looking for help in resolving these issues.

They called us "ching chong"

Me and my husband was walking back from the mall to where we live. Four teenagers walked by and one boy blocked my way taunting and teasing calling me "b-tch.” My husband yelled at him to "f—k off" and they started to call us "ching chong." We walked away but it was really upsetting.

Inappropriate doctor

My doctor was indifferent to my medical inquiries and impatient. Towards the end, she abruptly asked about my recent sexual activities. I replied that I had none. She turned her head and laughed, and said to the nurse next to her that Asian men are just too short to be able to do it, and that no American woman would even look at them.

She muttered racial slurs

At Subway, around 5 PM. While ordering, a female staff member greeted two other customers with a smile. However, when I greeted her, she gave me a cold look, muttered racial slurs, and rolled her eyes. Another staff member intervened, and after completing my order, I never returned to those restaurants.

"Noisy Chinese virus"

Bus around 11 PM. On the bus, many people were speaking in normal voices. My classmate and I, both Asian, spoke quietly, yet a person in the front suddenly turned, raised his fist, and called me a "noisy Chinese virus," threatening to strangle me. Luckily, the bus was nearing a stop, and I quickly got off, ignoring his threats.

She lunged toward me

I was walking down the street and a woman was walking towards me. She was clearly unwell and muttering under her breath. Steps away from me, she lunged toward me, yelling, "I'm gonna kill all you flat-eyed g-ks!" She didn't touch me but got inches away from my face. I didn't look at her or visibly react but kept walking away.

"Go back to China"

I am Japanese American and I just moved to Manhattan, NY from Vermont and rarely experienced racism. I was on the subway coming home from work, and I noticed a man around 60-70 years old staring at me as I went on the subway. He walked up to me while I was sitting down. He asked me if I was supposed to be here. I asked him what he meant and he said, "Ch-nks aren't supposed to be here" and told me to "go the hell back to China." I was stunned and didn't know what to do. The people around me didn't do anything. I called my husband and told him what happened, and shortly after, I left.

"F-ck back to your nasty country"

I was walking on the sidewalk when a guy ahead suddenly turned, pointed at my nose, and cursed, "Chinese Virus. F-ck back to your nasty country." His girlfriend quickly pulled him away, preventing the situation from escalating.

We are worried and scared for her

I was doing laundry at Easy Wash Laundromat in California. The laundromat workers are a man and woman who are either Cambodian or Vietnamese. I heard the lady yell. A tall man was yelling at the lady who works there calling her a “d-mn Asian b-tch” and saying, "That's what you get." He had thrown a cup of water on her. Her hair was all wet. He went outside and continued to yell and said, "I'll come back and set you on fire.” I went to the front and took a video of him yelling. He was making threats about harming her. He kept yelling, “You b-tch!” He pulled up his hood and got into his car.

Me and my husband urged the woman to call 911. She said this man came the night before and was yelling at her and waited outside (to attack her). She called her boss who said he would call the police. The police never came according to her. Tonight I called the non-emergency number because the man had left. They listened to me but said she must call herself to file a report. Me, my husband, and another man tried to talk to her but there was spoke limited English. She said she wasn't afraid. But we are worried and scared for her.

He pulled his eyes back to mock me

Today I was in class minding my business and then a student came up to me and said, "I’m from Asia" in a stereotypical Asian accent and pulled his eyes back to mock me. After that, I left to tell the principal but nothing happened.

Sexual harassment at a church

I am an Asian American elementary school teacher. I was walking with my class down the aisle of a church during a Christmas service processional. A man sitting in the pew looked me up and down and said with a lewd voice, "Naughty girl!" I was horrified and kept walking my students to their seats. I realized that this was sexual harassment and should be reported.

He refuses to greet us because we are Asian

I am speaking for my mom. She reported that a doorman in our building discriminates against her and refuses to serve her like he serves others. He refuses to greet us because we are Asian but he greets other tenants normally. He refuses to get and return the cart in the building for us like he does for others. When I was not at home, my mom said he yelled at her and punched her package in a violent way. This guy is ruthless and we feel unsafe to stay in the building, where we have owned a unit since September.

"Dumb-ss immigrant"

I was driving to pick up some things at a friend’s house and a car cut me off. I honked and he then brake-checked me. It was a close call but there was no damage. He got out of his car and flipped me off and called me a f—king dumb-ss immigrant. I told him I wasn't an immigrant. I was shocked and just drove past him.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice is a national affiliation of five leading organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. The affiliation's members are: Advancing Justice - AAJC (Washington, D.C.), Advancing Justice - Los Angeles, Advancing Justice - Atlanta, Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco), and Advancing Justice - Chicago.